Tyler Nguyen

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Spring is Finally Here

A walk in the park.

What a beautiful day!

I don't need any help, Daddy.

Just chillin'

Swinging and contemplating

With Mommy

It's nice to feel the sun on my legs.

What's better than swinging on a spring day?

Cold Stone ice cream!!!! Yummy.

Checking out Mommy's office.

Enjoying a leisurely walk around the complex

Running in the grass

I'm off to check out the fountain!

Mommy, can I come to work with you?

My family

Feeding ducks

What a perfect family outing! I even got to try Doritos.

Maybe next time she'll let me try Pepsi!


  • At 4/29/2007 8:22 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    This is now Sunday morning. It is a real pleasure for me to wake up and enjoy watching Tyler smiling, laughing and having fun walking.
    Ong noi

  • At 5/04/2007 8:08 PM , Blogger Michelle & Brian Vu said...

    It's nice to see that Tyler is walking a lot now. He's such a happy little boy. We really miss him. He must be so fun to play with. We're so glad that you have this blog so that we can watch him grow. Can't wait until we see you guys in August. Let us know when you're planning to come. Give Ty Ty a kiss from auntie and uncle. Miss you guys!


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