Tyler Nguyen

Monday, March 05, 2007

My FIRST Birthday Party!!!!!

Check out my super fun balloons.

Birthday boys still have to finish their lunch.

Everyone got a kick out of my walking skills.

Grandma & Grandpa's favorite people

Family picture

Having a good laugh with my Mommy

With Rara (Sarah), Mama (Mommy) and Dada (Daddy)

Happy birthday to me!

Birthday cake looks weird.

Adding a blue balloon doesn't help.

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to! I think I need a nap.

After our naps, I welcomed Maddie to my crib.

Ok, you give me a boost to jump out. Then, I'll throw you my blanket so you can climb out.

Yay! Time to open presents!!! Step aside, cos.

My first bday present. I like the animals on this wrapping paper.

Oh boy, I wonder what's in here?

With Uncle Jordan

With Uncle Khoa and Auntie Jane (Not sure why we're all leaning)

With Uncle Vinh, Auntie (Jenni)Fer & Uncle Vince

With Grandma & Grandpa Vu and Uncle Jordan

With Grandma & Grandpa Nguyen

Birthdays sure are fun!

What a day!!! Stay tuned for more pics on my actual bday (March 7)!


  • At 3/07/2007 7:13 PM , Blogger Michelle & Brian Vu said...

    Happy 1st Birthday, Tyler! We're sorry that we missed your birthday party. Looks like you had a great time with everyone. You're getting so big! We make sure to look at your photos at least once a week. We may be far away, but we're always thinking of you. You're such a precious little boy! We love you and wish you a very Happy 1st Birthday!!!

    Auntie Michelle & Uncle Brian


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