Tyler Nguyen

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Here I am in my pj's with another birthday present.

I really like balloons!

I took my first two steps without any help on my birthday eve!!!! This is my proud face.

Wednesday, March 7, 2006 - My Birthday! I'm 1 year old today!!!

More presents for me?
I'm having the best day ever!

Happy birthday to me from Daddy.

Happy birthday to me from Scrabble.

Happy birthday to me from Mommy.

Happy birthday to me from Sarah.

I'm having so much fun!!!

Did I mention I really, really like balloons?

Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Daddy's Birthday (Yep, our birthdays are one day apart.)

Surprise! Daddy, since you didn't get to see me this morning, here's a pic of me & a message for you:

Happy birthday to Daddy from me!!!!!! I love you!


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