Tyler Nguyen

Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend in East Hampton

Lunch with Sam after a long drive out

So excited to walk down to the beach (Mommy made me wear the silly hat)

Even more excited to splash around in the pool

I'm having such a blast!

Sam and I petted goats and donkeys at the fair, then got balloons!!!

Maybe Scrabble will pose with me if I learn how to pet gently from Sam. What a fun weekend!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Enjoying the pool and the park

Hesitant to go into the cold water...

Post-swim cheddar goldfish snack break

Haha - where are my pants?

Am I allowed up here on this stadium?

Hey, what's that?!


This steering wheel doesn't seem to do anything.

What's this do?

Trying to find an escape so I don't have to go home and nap.

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Stay in Lancaster

What a change! Few cars and lots of greenery.

This spiral slide is fun!

Always a good idea to do some pull-ups.

What a treat - a real guitar!

With Grandma, who catered to my every whim.
I love my (grand)Ma.

I LOVE to play with my (grand)Pa.

Wow, their Yorkie, Max, is bigger than Scrabble. He's almost as big as me!

My shirt should say "I love to swing!"

Enjoying my last day with Mama and Dada before they went to France without me.

They went back to the spot along the Seine where they got engaged. I guess they'll show it to me later.

What's better - going to Paris, the Loire Valley and Macon or seeing me smile?

I can rest easy now knowing they're home safely.