Tyler Nguyen

Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 7-9 visit to DC.

Maddie and I provided the brunch entertainment. Our performance was WAY better than Britney's!

With the 'rents.

Post-brunch jog to burn off the 8 courses.

Strolling with Ong. For funny pics from my trip, see Maddie's blog (link is to the right).

September 13 - happy birthday to Mommy!!!

Daddy and I got her a yummy ice cream cake!!

Here's my present - self-feeding!!! Great gift, huh?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Crazy Ty Ty

While Erin sat like you're supposed to, I chose to try to climb out for no reason other than to worry Mommy.

Running off to check out another jungle gym

I get hot after I nap, so I'll just take off all my clothes.

The newlyweds, Jackie & Jason, came to visit :)

Have you ever seen me pose before? I just decided to befriend Jason.

Pre-haircut calm (watching Elmo)

Even if you bribe me with TV, I REFUSE to wear this cover-up.

Pausing from my tantrum to see what's happening on the Elmo vid

Back to being my strong-willed and stubborn self. Notice how I've held onto my toy.

Despite looking pretty darn handsome, I will not smile to let Mommy think that all is forgiven! I'm still super angry!!