Tyler Nguyen

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just Me

Freedom! No pants.
I'm too sexy for my shirt.
Yuck, an indoor rainy weekend.
Silver lining - I learned the joys of taking pics! Seeing the image on the screen and in real life cracks me up!

The best was taking a pic of my dog, which I call Ba or Babble and say Hi to all day long. We're bestest pals.

Trying to call Daddy. Sometimes I succeed in calling China!

Playing with Ba.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Checking out another park.

This playground has a door that's just my size.

I love my new Crocs. They look nice w/ pj's.


... and after lunch

Happy Mother's Day to Mommy!

I do not smile at strangers.

This restaurant looks much fancier than my usual haunts.

Good thing they allow babies to bring their Mommies.

Hanging out in the garden afterward.

Mommy's favorite part of the day - spending time with me and Daddy.

Jogging off the 4 course meal.

Mommy, try to keep up with me.

I'm just too fast.