Tyler Nguyen

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fun Times

Mommy thinks I look cute in this sleep sack.

I really enjoy eating solids and making a mess!

Having a good laugh with Grandpa.

Practicing crawling.

I'm a big boy; I drink out of sippy cups now.

I love to swing!

Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to spend time with me. The feeling was mutual!


Stretching after a long nap.

I'm a lucky boy! Grandma read my favorite book to me.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lots of Changes

I eat solids every night now. I love it!

The morning of my Mommy's first day returning to work. We had lots of fun the last 6 months!

Daddy and I smiled and told Mommy not to worry!

Here's a picture of my first two teeth. Ok, stop prying my mouth open, Daddy!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sleeping, Sitting & Crawling

My new schtick is to sleep with my butt in the air.

I'm a pro at tripod sitting. Can't wait until I don't need my hands!

I'm always happy when I wake up :-).

Mommy FINALLY got a picture of me trying to crawl on my hands and knees. Usually, I just scoot on my tummy.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I Tried "Solid" Food

My first bite of rice cereal. Scrabble's excited!

Yuck...this stuff is weird!!

Do I have to finish the whole thing?

Mmmm...this stuff's not that bad.

Yum, this stuff is actually kinda delicious!

I polished off the whole bowl & licked the spoon, too!