Tyler Nguyen

Friday, August 25, 2006

Uncle Jordan's Visit

It was great having Uncle Jordan come visit.

Who's holding me? Oh, I love Uncle Jordan.

Getting riled up playing in my exersaucer

This is Uncle Jordan's first time holding a baby.

Smiling at Mr. Kaloo

Life is good

I can almost sit by myself. Yay!

It's time to dance!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Trip to the Hamptons

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm 5 Months Old Today!!

Knocking the blocks over with my new bug toy.

I love this bug!
Mommy's attempt to get me to "crawl" to my toys again for Daddy. I didn't, of course!!!
But, I'll always smile!

My Mike Tyson pose.
This Kaloo bear is so soft.

Playing with Daddy is so fun!

Look! I'm sitting like Scrabble.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hot Summer Days

Mommy came to check on me when she couldn't see me on the monitor. This is what she found!

Look how much we've grown! Griffin, me, Jack, Rachel & Roxy

Mommy & me, Alexis & Rachel, Michelle & Jack, Alexis & Griffin and Becca & Roxy

Hey Maddie, welcome to NYC!!

Mommy & me, Auntie Jane & cute Maddie

I love Kodi's exersaucer. Daddy, I need one!

And one of these, too. This chair is fun!!!

Uh oh, time for Maddie to go home. I miss you!